Sunday, October 9, 2005

Illustration Friday: Lost

"Lost Without You"

My wife suggested this treatment of Illustration Friday's challenge of the 'lost' theme.

As always, your comments are appreciated.


carla said...

That's so sad... The greys and the indistinct swirling background enhance the feeling of being engulfed by grief. Good work, Tony!

Valaine said...

sooo much emotion!

Draconas said...

i like it. nice use of colours to convey emotion!

Catnapping said...

the grief in this is palpable. very good work.

paul said...

Hmmmmm...that's a pretty dark peice (in both value and mood). Good use of emotion.

Anonymous said...

This is very sad .. don't lose each other! Very emotive!

leo. said...

great draw..... u are good u should makes some more works tomoo share..:P:D

Leo Graphics said...

Good concept. Lost without you...

tweedlebop said...

This is so gothic! I love the swirling background too - adds a touch of chaos to it all. Great!

Lisa said...

That is so sad... it just breaks my heart. I like your use of color and tone to add impact as well.

A.C said...

ooh man. that is sad. but well . most of the time 'lost ' is a sad situation.
great work!
and thank you SO much for all your great comments!!

Alina Chau said...

This is sad!! It's very emotion. Powerful piece.

Tony Sarrecchia... said...

Thank you all for the positive feedback.

Linda said...

that was a very moving idea. i like how you did texture on the tombstone and esp. the feeling of the sky.

Manuela said...

somehow it make me think to Tim Burton's Corpse Bride :P

openroundtop said...

nice piece, i love how you reached so many different shades of gray

Tara Ross Studios said...

I love this, sooo sad. Nice illo!

Caroline said...

A good take on a lost one. I like your use of tones, that background almos tlooks like a blackhole that she is being pulled down.

JacqueLynn said...

I like the swirling effect in the background, it helps pull the eye into the character and grave stone. And the black/white/grey tones all work together to make the feel of sorrow.

Julie Kieras said...

Perhaps this is not the response or idea you intended, but when I saw this illustration, I immediately thought of Juliet weeping over the supposed death of Romeo - the dark sorrow suggested in your illustration also speaks of the woman's own doom... but that's just my response! :) Thanks also for your comments on my blog! I appreciate the time you took to post!

998fort said...

It makes me want to turn away, not meanly, that is what it envokes

Nicolas said...

Wow it'sa so sab but i like the style and the use of colors, very good illo, Tony

Holly said...

Very sad. Nice contrast to this piece. Sniff!

Tony Sarrecchia... said...

Your comments all mean a lot to me. Thanks for the encouraging words and detailed interpretations/observations about this piece.

Karen said...

Great emotion. Excellent work!