This topic didn't really grab me.
True confession time:
I have a weight issue.
Well, I don’t have the issue, I kind of like the way light bends around me when I walk—but my wife and my doctor think that I could stand to lose the not-so-secret store of Ho-hos and Ring Dings that I carry around my waist. And they’re correct. Being of Italian descent not only means I have to put up with people asking “Do you know any mobsters?” (I reply, “Luca Brazi sleeps with the fishes,” let them figure it out), but it also means I am predisposed to a hairy back and a hairless head (proof, once again, that God does have a sense of humor). It also means that I may end up with a body the size of a small satellite (as in moon not dish, though a dish of Moonpies sure sounds good). Of course, it’s my own fault that I wear the same size pants as Yang-yang the Panda.
Ok, that's actually an excerpt from a column I wrote about
Anyway, this topic really didn't grab me so I resorted to visual puns. Have fun.
Your comments are always appreciated.
You go guy! Good job on reaching your target zone. What doesn't kill us makes us grow stronger.
Good for you,it's a hard road-getting extra pounds off in a society where there's fast food on every street corner, tv commercials
promoting every kind of luscious treat. woe, i'm making myself hungry. Anyway, I like your piece, insightful and cool artwork!
haha yer so funny!!! i love yer sense of humour!
Great job, as usual. I like your puns. Good luck on the weight loss. I know I need to loose about 10 pounds myself.
Please link to a static page next week by clicking on the date of your entry. :)
A static page is linked to your blog's time and date. Go to your blog, click on the time and date of your post. You'll notice that the window changes to only show that one particular post. That is the url you should use to link to Illustration Friday. That way, in the future, when people go looking for your post, they will find it easily.
Visit the "About" section on Illustration Friday to find out more...
Thank you!
Please link to a static page next week by clicking on the date of your entry. :)
A static page is linked to your blog's time and date. Go to your blog, click on the time and date of your post. You'll notice that the window changes to only show that one particular post. That is the url you should use to link to Illustration Friday. That way, in the future, when people go looking for your post, they will find it easily.
Visit the "About" section on Illustration Friday to find out more...
Thank you!
Congratluations on being so close to your goal! Even though the topic didn't grab you, you still came up with some good puns. I like the colors you chose and the simple catoon look of the drawings. I see an old friend of mine on the bottom right, Mr. Hugh Jass:> Thanks for the chuckle:>
Good luck with the rest. 18 lbs- No problem! Your practically there!
Great take on the theme! So very clever & funny!
Great colour choices! I really like your line quality. Congratulations, and keep up the great work on your weight loss, like creative kismet said, you're nearly there!
Snacks with cheese anything will get you every time.... stay away from the cheese!!
Like your puns!
Whahahahaha... I love it.
What's a "trail lawyer"?
My scale and I live on a seesaw, it seems. At my age, exercise is the only thing that helps. I can eat like a bird, but if I don't get a good workout four to five times a week, the diet is for naught.
Hey, great styly on the illo... and cool effect on the border.
Lovely big fat lips!
Great illo...and, I understand about weight issue. GREAT job on your success!! Send some of that my way! :) LOVE the colors of your illo, and using just lines! Fantastic!
This topic didn't grab me either...and if I don't get inspiration soon, I will be 3 topics behind.Good luck with the 18...I can identify.The thing I miss ever present glass of sweet iced tea.
very pun-ny.!
i do not own a scale.
Nothing new this week?
Great work, Tony! I couldn't think of any good way to approach this topic, so I didn't. Your spin works for me!
LOL!! Wicked illo!!
Awesome work once again!!!
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